Palazzo Viceconte in the Heart of Matera
When most people decide to make a visit to Matera, it is no secret they want to have an accommodation in a hotel located in the world-famous Sassi or in the Matera Old Town.
Set on the Civita, the highest place in the town, Palazzo Viceconte is between Sassi and the Old Town.
The whole area where Civita was built is an artificial bank made to raise more this complex so that it could overlook the whole town. During the Middle Ages the Civita represented the socio-cultural centre of the town; excavations and archeological studies show as this site was one the most frequented ones since the Ancient Ages.
Then, between 1230 and 1270 The Cathedral, dedicated to Madonna della Bruna and Sant’Eustachio, was built.
Piazza Duomo and The Civita are very interesting places. Both of them position you in the centre of many of the city’s most important buildings. Beyond the Cathedral, there is a really astonishing panoramic view of Sassi and part of the city centre. Furthermore, stick to walking if you wish to uncover other interesting cultural attractions, such as MUSMA (The Contemporary Sculpture Museum of Matera), Casa Noha or MATA (The Diocesan Museum of Matera).
The Civita: Political, Religious, Economic, Social and Cultural Centre
For a long time the Civita represented the political, religious, economic, social and cultural centre of the town, consequently it was the place where the noble and richest families lived.
All around the area you can admire noble buildings, each of them has its own architectural style.
Palazzo Viceconte is one of these buildings. Read something about its history on our website.
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